A Tribute to Our Irreplaceable Italian American Mothers

The most beautiful love song ever written for all the Italian American women who made us what we are today.

By: Basil M. Russo, ISDA President 

What is the most beautiful love song ever written? Was it a song of passion sung by a young man to profess his unending love to his sweetheart? Or maybe a song of joy from a young woman in response to a marriage proposal?

If you ask me, it was neither.

Of the thousands of love-songs written throughout the years, perhaps the most beautiful, the most passionate, and the most tender is a song composed in Italy in 1940 by Cesare Andrea Bixio and with lyrics by Bixio Cherubini.

This particular song was first recorded by Beniamino Gigli in Italy in 1941 and has since been sung by Luciano Pavarotti, Andrea Bocelli, Sergio Franchi, Connie Francis and Jerry Vale, among so many others. It’s title is one simple word; but, it’s a word which can convey more emotion and love than any other word in our language…

The title of this song is “Mamma.”

The music and lyrics of Mamma so beautifully describe all of the heartfelt emotions expressing our love for and our longing to be with who other than — our mother.

So, on this Mother’s Day, slowly read the words to this beautiful song as you think of your own mother. If you are still blessed to have her with you, or if you can only long for the day when you will be reunited with her, this tune will certainly touch your heart in a way no other song has…


Mamma, I am very happy

because I am returning to you.

My song is telling you

that it is the most beautiful dream for me.

Mamma, I am very happy,

why should we live apart?

Mamma, only for you my song flies.

Mamma, you will be with me, you will not be alone anymore.

How much I love you!

These love words that my heart is whispering,

perhaps they are not used anymore.

Mamma, but you are the most beautiful song,

you are my life,

and for the rest of my life I will never leave you alone again.

I can feel your tired hand

looking for my golden curls.

I can hear your voice, and I miss you,

and the lullaby of back then.

Today your head is white.

I want to hold you in my heart.

Mamma, only for you my song flies.

Mamma, you will be with me, you will not be alone anymore.

How much I love you!

These love words that my heart whispers to you,

perhaps they are not used anymore.

Mamma, but you are the most beautiful song.

You are my life

and for the rest of my life I will not let you go anymore.

Mamma, never again.

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