Procida: One of Italy’s Most Breathtaking Islands

La Dolce Vita reveals why this Island will instantly win your heart.

This article, written by Laura Taccani of La Dolce Vita, appears on The Huffington Post.

The Italian Island That’s Just As Breathtaking As Cinque Terre

It has an area of less than 2 square miles, but an allure that is definitely dangerous. Procida is an island that will win your heart. It is no accident that this is where Il Postino: The Postman was filmed, the movie directed by Michael Radford and starring Massimo Troisi, which with its ve Oscar nominations in 1996 and, above all, its 80 million dollars in worldwide box-of ce gross set the new record for an Italian movie (far more than the multiple award-winning Nuovo Cinema Paradiso).

Read more at The Huffington Post…

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